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Friday Follies: Sharpen Your Pencils Again

Such fun to design this poster!

First I talk about this month’s Dr. Sketchy, then I link to some artists who will keep you on the web for hours and hours. So, go get something to drink before you read this post.

Dr. Sketchy Wellington happens every month, but I think this month is special – vintage seamstress Leimomi Oakes, aka The Dreamstress, and a host of models will be wearing exquisite corsets, and Leimomi will teach us about lingerie history. A corset lacing demonstration will be part of the event, so if you’ve ever wanted to learn the RIGHT way to lace and tie your corset, this will be the place.

I’m chuffed to have had the opportunity to design the poster for this event!

Such fun to design this poster!

To inspire us all to get drawing, here’s a few of my favorite female artists from the web:

Colleen DoranInterviewed here by Molly Crabapple, the lush, bejeweled 80s style of her A Distant Soil space opera comic (you can read it online here) influenced a lot of us. And I still have a crush on Kovar to this day.

Amy Mebberson – Enchanting pinup girls, cartoons, and is particularly well known as a favorite Muppets artist. Vintagistas might like her Thorn cartoons about a naughty little girl in the 50s.

Dale Messick – Most famous as the artist of Brenda Starr, where she depicted the loopy adventures of a feisty redhaired reporter, with over-the-top fashion styling from the 40s through the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Here’s Dale’s life through the 20th century.

And, for a view into the mind of an art collector, here’s another Wellington event: Fleur’s Arty Farty Tea Party – meet artist Fleur Williams, get a tour of her art collection and studio, and have a lovely afternoon tea!

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