This is waiting for me. Out there. Somewhere. Photo courtesy of Kevin H., used under Creative Commons.
Almost done with the Elements series! Before post 4, about creating events, if you want more, you can now attend Frockabilly Charm School. Learn about social grace and personal style. Session 1 of six classes is in session from October 27th in Petone. Details here.
Speaking of etiquette, have you seen the web site and book Gothic Charm School, by delightful “cupcake Goth” Jillian Venters? (She’s a tech writer too!)
A scientific study that proposes that women in a medium amount of makeup come across as more competent at work is thought-provoking. Note that the highest level of “glamour” makeup came across as “attractive but less trustworthy.”
Related to this, the pin-up cupcakes got a shout-out on the fashion site Thread. Thank you again, A La Mode!
Alternahome blog Offbeat Home is seeking agnostic/feminist homemaking blogs. Is this you? I’m house proud but I’m too busy to tell you about it right now. House tour next year, once a project I’m working on is done.
Why the umbrella drink, you may ask? The next week or so is going to be occupied by me taking a trip. On a boat. To some islands. Where the tiki drinks come from (my favorite drink story is about the Dr. Funk.) There’ll also be a stop at the Jitterbug Club in Sydney. (I’m narrowly missing the garden-themed Burlesque Ball.) Travel reports when I get back, I promise.